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Salmon Fishing the Gaspé Coast !
11 mars 2018


Generation Z (also called the new silent generation or Generation C  for Communication, Collaboration, Connection and Creativity) is a sociological generation that succeeds generation Y. Generation Z was born after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, during the attacks of September 11, 2001 and before the Arab Spring and had from childhood a telephone with Internet access

Are they born with applications of I know everything ... .I AM THE BEST IN ALL ... LOOK ME.

According to Wikipedia:

Born between the mid-1990s and the end of the 2000s, Generation Z was born after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, during the attacks of September 11, 2001 and before the Arab Spring, and had from childhood a telephone with Internet access2, 3.

In 2014, the founder of Moons ‘Factory, Didier Pitelet, describes these less than 20 years as utopian little docile who will require a new entrepreneurial management; their energy must be channeled to positive ends, which will imply the establishment of structuring, educational, and psychological management models.

According to Nicolas Sadirac, founder of EPITECH and general director of the 424 school, the generation Z has "an uninhibited relationship to error! For them, it is normal to be wrong: they do not demonize failure like other generations ". David Foot, in his book Boom, Bust and Echo, mentions that the Silent have had an easy life in terms of employment. The small number of births during the crisis has a lot to do with it. Rather than digital natives, Jean-Noel Lafargue describes this age group as digital naive. In fact, 83% of young people between the ages of 19 and 25 have a Facebook account, which most people use to consume information, not to create it.

We see through these different positions that the subject is cleavable and because these young people have another relationship to time, organization and authority. Companies must be able to face this new situation if they want to take up this great intergenerational challenge that embodies the integration of this new generation but also its collaboration with other generations

Salmon Fishing the Gaspé Coast !